Monday, May 18, 2009

Better late than never

So...Sunday Spencer and I accidently slept in on Sunday and got up just after 9am (or so we thought)...which is what time church starts. So I hurried and got James's hair trimmed (yes, it HAD to be done before church) and showered and got ready when I yell down to Spencer (who is feeding Baer) "We gotta go in 5 minutes!". Then he told me that it was actually not even 8:00 yet and his alarm clock was wrong. We were on time to church yesterday!! I didn't look my best but we were on time.

Nursery was a bit stressful...we had crying children, kids pushing and stealing toys, stinky children, and hungry children. Jenny and I took turns dealing with stuff and taking kids to their parents for one reason or another and Jenny told me she didn't see either of our husbands in class. I wasn't that suprised since we were both so tired getting up this morning I thought he might be in the car napping or if they were together...ditching. Jenny laughed and agreed they were both possible for her husband, too. On the way home I teased Spencer asking him where he was and what was for dinner (he cooks on Sunday). He said he was there for part of the time but wasn't feeling well...and was not sure what we were going to have. When we got home I opened the door and it smelled like roast & veggies cooking in the crock pot and he had cleaned up and vacumed. Stunned, I stopped and asked..."Did you come HOME and CLEAN??" (DUH). He then replied "Happy Mother's Day!". I can not tell you HOW GREATFUL I was and still am since we had therapy at our house today and I only had to do a little picking up. It's not spotless and still has a lot to be done but I was SO far behind with so much going on that I am So greatful and impressed he got so much done in that amount of time.

I walked in a little further and noticed flowers in the livingroom and kitchen, chocolate cake, "special" m&m's, and fresh cherries & blackberries. Yummm.

And that was just the beginning of a great day :)


KyleandAmanda said...

Oh, that is so sweet! Having the house cleaned is probably the BEST present ever. I am glad that you got to have your mothers day even if it was a week late!

Deanna said...

Was that to make up for your fantabulous May 10th? :) What a good guy. :)

Stacy said...

What a great guy Spencer is! That was so sweet and thoughtful of him. Sounds like it was the start to a perfect day.

XO, J said...

awww...what a nice guy! That's good that he thought to make it up to you! I'm impressed!

Lisa said...

How sweet! That was really thoughtful of him. Way to go Spence! Sure love you!

Katie said...

That's awesome!! What a good man!

Shannon said...

How great is that!! You are so blessed.