Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Any Guesses?

So...what do you think James got into this time?
(Black on lower lip)

Hint: It's not something you naturally put on your lips


JC said...

Permanent marker, motor oil, ink from a pen....

KyleandAmanda said...

I am going with permanent marker, mascara, or some sort of grease.

Deanna said...

My guess is he bit into a pen and it 'exploded'! Poor kido!

Anonymous said...

I will go with something different and say shoe polish

Anonymous said...

yeah, i would say perm marker, it looks shiny and hard to get off.

Stacy said...

I would have to say mascara or permanent marker. Tristan got a hold of my scented oils from the Body Shop a couple weeks ago and got that in his mouth. Yeah he he doesn't like them so much!

The Bassetts said...

Mascara maybe or permanent marker. Doesn't look like fun to get off.

Austin and Mindy said...

We both have to say permanent marker. For sure. Maybe.

La Candáche said...

I'm going with the rest of the crowd and saying permanent marker...

Shannon said...

Some opi nail laquer? JK, I looked first!! He's such a cutie.