Spencer was at home with James & Baer while I was at enrichment and he told me this funny story...
J: (Holding a teddy bear) Daddy, bear has to go stinky!
S: You have to go stinky, or bear has to go stinky?
J: No, bear has to go stinky! (runs to the bathroom with the bear)
...comes back a minute later
J: Bear went stinky!
Later on, Spencer goes in the bathroom to blow his nose and what does he find in the toilet?? A little pile of stuffing that James had pulled out of a hole in the bear's bum.
5 months ago
Haha!!! You're little boys are so cute!!!
That is hilarious!!!! Reed and I both busted up laughing.
That is too cute, hey at least he knew to do that in the bathroom right? hehe
Haha. This is too funny! Good old potty training days.
Cute little James! He is so funny!! You have to love those moments they are the best!
That's cute!
Potty training is the best!! We have some pretty funny stories too, but yours is hilarious! It's been so long since we've seen you guys. Our boys were just babies when we got together last. We're planning a trip to the children's museum, "Wonderscope", which is down south, so we'll be sure to let you know when we go and maybe we can meet there and let the boys play. They'd have a blast I'm sure. Take care!
Its been a while jackie joe, we need an update!!
Kids are hilarious! I can't beleive your little one is old enough to potty train. Time goes by way to fast! Make sure you write that one down so you can look back at how cute he was when he was little!
You were still referring to the Teddy Bear ... right? ;)
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