I have been uploading my pictures onto facebook and haven't been so good about putting them on my blog as well. Tonight I decided I needed to top procrastinating and as my title says...Just DO it! Here are some pictures from a fun night we had tonight.
Our neighbor Willa (who was babysitting her neice) treated us to some pizza since Spencer helped her with her car a while back and we had a picnic on our lawn. A little later we went on a bike ride while Spencer worked on the Jeep and Baer went to bed for the night. James's motorcycle ran out of batteries about 15 feet up the sidewalk so he ended up riding with me and we went to a nearby park. Afterwards we drove to a gas station to get gatorade...we were all parched!
Us and our wheels...James's battery died 15 feet up the sidewalk (we hadn't charged it in a while) so he ended up riding with me.